Update on activities

Have been spending my time on the personal website (RussPerry.com) experimenting with new software. Have finally gotten the hang of it and will be moving the entire site to the new software.That site, like all my sites, gets very little traffic, but then who cares. I don’t do this for popularity, but since I have all my time available to do as I wish this is what I wish.Meanwhile, the world seems to be going to hell in a hand basket, and who but “We the People” are to blame for that? At least in this country.

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Through WordPress I have re-discovered FireFox. I’ve loaded it and am trying it and must say it has been improved since my last investigation of it some years ago. I do have a few problems with some of my sites displaying properly. Would be nice if there were more standards and adherence to them by all browsers.

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I woke up this morning as the result of a dream. It wasn’t a bad dream, but the ending shocked me into wakefulness.There had been an auto accident and a young man had died and “someone” in the dream made the comment:“He was just another solider”The anger, the rise in blood pressure and adrenaline from my reaction to that was enough to pop my eyes open, wide awake.What causes dreams is a real mystery. Maybe it and my response has something to do with reading “The Rainmaker”, maybe has something to do with New Orleans.

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My thoughts and emotions on this subject are so great that I can hardly contain them and have a great deal of difficulty expressing them. But the President’s speech demands some comment.It was a good speech. He has a good speechwriter.

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