Things that happened … or didn't: to me, to you, to someone, to no-one. Probably also listed in another section as well.
- Senate Republicans fighting on Obamacare repeal, Democrats passing the popcorn 2016-12-10
- Washington Monthly | Republican Ideology and Obstruction Are No Substitute for a Plan 2016-12-10
- Washington Monthly | The Right's War on Unions Will Finish Us Off 2016-12-10
- More Than 6 Million Americans Who Want Full-Time Jobs Are Stuck Working Part-Time – Working In These Times 2016-12-10
- Democrats, Don't Repeat Obama's Biggest Mistake | New Republic 2016-12-10
- In today's episode of ‘Pimping the Presidency' … 2016-11-30
- Aftermath 2016: Tess Rafferty's hard-hitting statement on the election of Trump. 2016-11-26
- Evangelicals pretty proud of electing Trump after decades of judging people for their ‘lifestyles' 2016-11-26
- This is a long email about Daily Kos, but please read the whole thing. It's important. – – Gmail 2016-11-25
- Kids in Michigan have no right to be educated in state's schools 2016-11-25