Things that happened … or didn't: to me, to you, to someone, to no-one. Probably also listed in another section as well.
- Joy-Ann Reid's most prescient message to voters who elected Trump 2016-11-14
- Trump's senior White House advisor says in radio interview that liberal women are a ‘bunch of dykes' 2016-11-14
- West Virginia mayor and non-profit director in hot water after calling Michelle Obama an ape 2016-11-14
- My Trump-supporting friend's wife was just attacked for being Asian 2016-11-14
- Sen Jeff Merkley (D-OR) Press Release on Steve Bannon 2016-11-14
- A chilling encounter with a German student left me shaking… 2016-11-14
- KING: How Trump is leading transformation to turn GOP into KKK – NY Daily News 2016-11-14
- Young Earth Creationist Ben Carson Could Be America's New Secretary Of Education | IFLScience 2016-11-12
- The 2016 election had some bright spots for progressives, too, and that's where our future starts 2016-11-11
- Abbreviated pundit roundup: How Trump will affect your federal and state taxes, Medicare, and more 2016-11-11