Things that happened … or didn't: to me, to you, to someone, to no-one. Probably also listed in another section as well.
- The Politics of the Evangelical Right, and Their Very Public Sin 2016-11-07
- Trump closes with an anti-Semitic ad—but for the Republican Party, it may be only a beginning 2016-11-07
- Confessions of a Former Hillary Hater 2016-11-06
- Bill Maher slams evangelicals: Their Trump support proves who they really are 2016-11-05
- Donald Trump Voters, Just Hear Me Out – The New York Times 2016-11-05
- A Guy In A Trump Shirt Carried A Gun Outside Of A Virginia Polling Place. Authorities Say That's Fine. | Huffington Post 2016-11-05
- Jimmy Carter: ‘Losing My Religion For Equality' 2016-11-05
- Pastor cautions Christian women about those Trump-loving Men of the Christian Right—and he NAILS it 2016-11-05
- AZ teacher to Muslim student: ‘I can't wait until Trump is elected. He's going to deport all you' 2016-10-31
- A Trump presidency would wreck the world's economy. Just ask investors 2016-10-31