Things that happened … or didn't: to me, to you, to someone, to no-one. Probably also listed in another section as well.
- Donald Trump destroyed emails, recordings, documents in defiance of court orders 2016-10-31
- Trump's Abuse of Trump Foundation — Criminal Tax Implications? – The Surly Subgroup 2016-10-31
- The brutal genius of Harry Reid's letter 2016-10-31
- Donald Trump cheats on local and state taxes, turning Trump facilities into drains on communities 2016-10-31
- DNC files legal action against RNC for election violations—Republicans are Trump-f*cked again 2016-10-31
- Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance – Kindle edition by Mark Howard. Politics & Social Sciences Kindle eBooks @ 2016-10-31
- Moody's Analytics analysis: Trump presidency would ‘significantly' hurt economy – POLITICO 2016-10-31
- Did Ben Stein Just Demolish Trickle-Down Theory And A Raving Trump Surrogate Too? Did He? Bueller? 2016-10-31
- The GOP screwed themselves: The brilliant gerrymander that gave Republicans the Congress — and created Donald Trump – 2016-10-31
- Gerrymandering could cost Democrats the House in 2016. Why? Because it probably did in 2012 2016-10-24