Things that happened … or didn't: to me, to you, to someone, to no-one. Probably also listed in another section as well.
- America may be galloping toward authoritarian neo-fascism 2017-10-15
- Gullibility 2017-10-15
- 69 House Republicans agree with Trump: Let Puerto Rico drown – Shareblue Media 2017-10-15
- Top Bush aide to GOP: ‘It's time to panic' | TheHill 2017-10-14
- Thrashing around in a rage, Trump unleashes a new volley of threats – The Washington Post 2017-10-14
- Sinister figures lurk around our careless president – The Washington Post 2017-10-14
- Former Wharton Professor: “Donald Trump Was the Dumbest Goddam Student I Ever Had.” 2017-10-14
- Trump is no Hitler – he's a Mussolini, says Oxford historian Oxford Today 2017-10-14
- Billionaire Trump backer's data firm under investigation for Russia connections 2017-10-14
- FEMA: “Not our job to deliver water and food” to Puerto Ricans. Think I am making this up? Wrong! 2017-10-14